Tuesday 8 October 2013


My Caprice obsessions started a few months ago when my friend invited me to an event at her school and I couldn't make it. Caprice performed there and obviously like the teenage girl she is, she was excited. She told me about him and showed a picture (back then I didn't even know who he is, other than the fact he had a song with Ramlah Ram and he sings Watlek Watpeace). After she showed me his picture (it was a pic of him eating maggi cup), my first thought was 'wow he is a hottie'.

And then I did my research.

Then I started fangirling.

Oh for those of here who have not seen or doesn't know who is Caprice, here's some pictures.

Okay, let me start with the basic stuff about him.

His real name is Ariz Ramli. He is 25 years old. And he is and AMAZING rapper and also a very good role model for teenagers.

Why is he a good role model you ask?

First, he is a hard worker. Like with his music, he doesn't need cheap publicity to promote himself. Unlike some celebrities (names wont be mentioned), you never hear any bad gossips about him. Oh and not to mention, he also have a bakery business, Caprice House of Cakes (order your cupcakes 016-66881440) and he also initiated a few projects such as Jiffy Cash and Caprice Technologies.

Another reason why he is amazing is because of the Anti Bullying Awareness Program he is conducting, This program is already getting a strong support from various school and I heard a few ministries too! Way to go, Ariz!

If you want to interact with Ariz;
Twitter: @CapriceTV
Instagram: @capriceofficial
Youtube: youtube.com/CapriceTV

And if you have any questions for me, just tweet me (@naaadhiraaahali) or ask me a question on ask.fm (ask.fm/naaadhiraaahali)


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