Tuesday 12 November 2013


Well hello guys sorry for not updating for quite some time. I've been very busy reading, watching movies and learning how to play the guitar. But mostly I was lazy.
Anyway, i just came back from Brunei abotu two weeks ago and maybe in a few days I'll update about my trip there.
okay so school holidays just started like a week ago (well thats for the form 3s i guess) and boredom is already getting into me. but i guess its still not too late to wish all of you a very happy holiday. Enjoy your vacation if you are going anywhere, and dont do anything stupid like swimming or playing football during a tunderstorm or swim in the flood water or go out alone and the list goes on.

till i  feel like typing again,

p.s. im gonna get started on a story so maybe i'll upload it here for you guys to read.